Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm officially resurrecting this blog.

I obviously suck at answering your text messages, and I don't get home until 10PM, so I think this is how we're going to keep up with each other.

My week has be pretty hectic, I'm very drained. We're in the second week of Romeo and Juliet; it's been going fairly well. However, we still have a long way to go (or so says Plant). Being in three scenes of a play doesn't give you much "way" to go, but I was told differently. Understandable, there are always ways you can grow and change. We'll see how much more yelling I can do within the next three shows.

I've been driving all over town, spending too much money (on food, though), and as a result I think I may have to apply for employment. It was humorous, mom and I were at Thrifty's and I was bagging the grocery's. The cashier stopped what she was doing, and stared at me curiously, and proceeded to ask me if I had a job. I replied appropriately, and she said "You should apply here, you look like you know what you're doing, and they're hiring!" So I picked up an application. I have yet to hand it in. Maybe tomorrow. So, for the time being, I have to ask mom for seven dollars so I can pick up Subway tomorrow for dinner before the show.

The gang is pretty solid. We're all drained from the show, but we're pulling together and supporting each other. Your sister is well taken care of :).

However, I have learned something within the last few weeks (coming from the bard himself):

"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice." Good words. Polonious knew what he was talking about.

Anyways, it is almost 12AM my time and 3AM your time. I have a show tomorrow and have to be up in 6 hours, so I should get some rest. I hope you're having a good time in Quebec.

Love you sister.

(PS: It snowed last night. Taz got a little freaked out)

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